Crown Straight Color #27 - regular

Product Overview
Shirley’s favorite accessories have sparkles. And because she works at a high-end boutique, she’s expected to be as fashionable and cute as can be. With her crown she can be...

Shirley’s favorite accessories have sparkles. And because she works at a high-end boutique, she’s expected to be as fashionable and cute as can be. With her crown she can be especially creative.

You can even style your Babe Instant Hair alongside your natural hair! Easily curl, straighten, and crimp your Crown. Just be sure to use protectant with heating tools!

It only takes a fraction of a minute to install your Babe Crown. You can adjust the wire strap and fit it yourself, or enlist the help of a stylist. Once it’s secure and set to fit the crown of your head, pull your Crown on and then use a rattail comb, pen, or pinky finger to pull a layer of your natural hair over the wire. With proper care, your Crown can last a year or longer.