News — babe


Treating Hair that Won't Take Color

Posted by Alex Perry on

Treating Hair that Won't Take Color

A disgruntled client of yours just walked into your salon. Last night, she tried to dye her hair herself but to her surprise and dismay, her hair didn’t take the color! It seems like most of the dye just washed right out, leaving a slightly reddish tint to her naturally medium brown hair. What do you do? Since you’re the professional, she’s asking you to redo it for her, but you know can’t simply apply the dye again and hope for the best. Here are some causes, solutions, and ways to avoid this annoying (and time-consuming!) problem. Protein: Your client...

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Haircuts in Foreign Countries: Making Sure You Get the Style You Want!

Posted by Justin Trombetti on

Haircuts in Foreign Countries: Making Sure You Get the Style You Want!

When traveling abroad, sometimes a haircut is inevitable. Many world travelers even like to “collect” haircuts in the various countries they visit. This may be easy to accomplish in English-speaking countries, but what do you do when you don’t speak the language? Bring a friend If you have a friend or relative who speaks the language (fluently or not) they can help you communicate with the stylist to make sure you get what you want. Use translation tools Using a dictionary or online translation sites before you go can be a major help. Be sure you know words like “haircut,”...

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Summer Hair Care—It's a Breeze!

Posted by Justin Trombetti on

Summer Hair Care—It's a Breeze!

Believe it or not, it’s already May, which means that the weather is heating up and summer is around the corner! Thoughts of the beach, fun day trips, and backyard bashes are starting to fill our minds, but in the frenzy of our excitement, we can’t forget something super important: hair care! The more active we are, the more our hair needs protection and love, so follow these simple tips to keep your locks looking as brilliant as summer itself. 1. Keep heat styling to a minimum. Summer styles are notoriously relaxed and casual, easily achievable with little to no...

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Keeping Customers Cool in the Hot Seat (Pt. II)

Posted by Justin Trombetti on

Keeping Customers Cool in the Hot Seat (Pt. II)

Here's the second installment in our series of our "Keeping Customers Cool" series. Read up to learn how to keep clients content and complaints to a minimum. Keep Your Phone in Your Pocket.  As smartphones become less and less like cellphones and more like pocket-sized computers, it’s only natural that they’re becoming used more and more in the daily workplace. You've probably seen stylists using their smartphones to snap pictures of their work, schedule future client appointments and even to process payments! It’s great that smartphone are giving stylists so much freedom, but using them too much on the floor...

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Keeping Customers Cool in the Hot Seat!

Posted by Justin Trombetti on

Keeping Customers Cool in the Hot Seat!

“There was a little girl who a had little curl right in the middle of her forehead. When she was good, she was very good indeed, but when she was bad she was horrid!” -Henry Wadsworth Longfellow [Emphasis added] Like the Longfellow poem above me, so too can a workday at the salon be. Extremely gratifying when things are going well, but an absolute nightmare when they’re not. No fear, you’re a sassy, sophisticated business owner. You’ve got this all under control, but do your customers? Here’s part one of our list of very important ways to keep customers cool...

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