

Lice and Hair Extensions

Posted by Justin Trombetti on

Lice and Hair Extensions

On the blog we love talking about fun and fashionable things, but we also want to offer solutions to tricky problems, like lice. Lice isn’t a very glamorous thing to talk about. Yet lice infestations happen, and what do you do if you are wearing extensions and you find you have lice? One of the reason that wigs got popular in the first place was because head lice was so prevalent that most people just kept their head shaved and wore wigs. Hair extensions, however, are a different story because they are actually connected to your own hair. Fortunately, you...

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Finding a Great Hair Extension Stylist

Posted by Justin Trombetti on

Finding a Great Hair Extension Stylist

  So you want to get hair extensions? You’ll need to find a stylist to install them and maintain them for you. But you don’t want just any stylist--you want someone who is experienced, skilled, and in your price range. One of the best ways to find a great stylist is through a recommendation. Ask a friend who has a similar hair type and style to yours and ask her who her stylist is. Ask someone who has had hair extensions who their stylist is. As awesome as word of mouth may be, sometimes you don’t have that luxury. If...

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Traveling with Hair Extensions

Posted by Justin Trombetti on

Traveling with Hair Extensions

It’s finally spring break season! And if you’re lucky, you could be headed out on exciting warm-weather adventures. You can look your best while you’re partying without having to pack your entire bathroom with you. Here are some travel tips: Keep a brush in your carry on bag. Sitting with the back of your head against the headrest of a plane or car can cause matting and tangling, especially if you’re trying to get some shut-eye en route. Take a few minutes at rest stops or layovers to brush through your locks. Brush frequently to keep your hair smooth. Pulling...

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Preventing Hair Extension Matting

Posted by Justin Trombetti on

Preventing Hair Extension Matting

Of all the ways you’d like your admirers to describe your hair, “rat’s nest” isn't probably what you had in mind. Unfortunately, hair extensions are prone to matting and tangling, and once matting occurs, fixing it is difficult. Good news is that matting is completely preventable. home remedies for genital warts First, it’s important to understand why matting happens. Hair strands sheds naturally, but when your hair is in hair extension bonds, it’s trapped there until you get a touch up. When the bonds are released, all the shed hair is able to fall. It’s these shed hairs that are the troublemakers....

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Adjusting Fusion Extensions

Posted by Justin Trombetti on

Adjusting Fusion Extensions

Hair grows, and so extensions need to be readjusted so they’re closer to the scalp again. Here are some touch-up tips to help your clients get in and out of the salon faster. This three part series is all about getting those touch ups just right. Fusion just might be the toughest method to retouch. But it’s still completely possible to update your client’s extensions and help her look wonderful. Remove the keratin bonds with Babe’s Keratin Bond Remover. Dispense enough on that that the whole bond is covered, but you don’t have to use a lot. Let it rest...

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